What's stripey and flies at 384,400 km in the air? A bee flying around the moon! This cute lil design features sleepy bees on clouds surrounded by the stars and a blue moon. A colourful design that is sure to make your pup dream easy.
FuzzYard pyjamas are made from super soft material with a little stretch and press-stud buttons on the belly side to make sure the fit is comfortable and snuggly for all the furbabies out there. Available in 7 sizes and a wide range of designs.
Size 1:
Collar: 33-34 cm / 12.9-13.4 in. Underarm: 39-40 cm / 15.4-15.7 in. Length: 28-29 cm / 11-11.4 in.
Underside Length: 19-20 cm / 7.5-7.9 in.
Size 2:
Collar: 34-35 cm / 13.4-13.8 in. Underarm: 47-48 cm / 18.5-18.9 in. Length: 32-33 cm / 12.6-13 in.
Underside Length: 22-23 cm / 8.7-9 in.
Size 3:
Collar: 38-39 cm / 15-15.4 in.
Underarm: 51-52 cm / 20.1-20.5 in. Length: 38-39 cm / 15-15.4 in. Underside Length: 23-24 cm / 9.1-9.4 in.
Size 4:
Collar: 42-43 cm / 16.5-16.9 in.
Underarm: 57-58 cm / 22.4-22.8 in. Length: 41-42cm / 16.1-16.5 in. Underside Length: 28-29 cm / 11-11.4 in
Size 5:
Collar: 51-52 cm / 20-20.5 in.
Underarm: 67-68 cm / 26.4-26.8 in. Length: 47-48 cm / 18.5-18.9 in. Underside Length: 33-34 cm / 12.9-13.4 in.
Size 6:
Collar: 52-53 cm / 20.5-20.9 in. Underarm: 77-78 cm / 30.3-30.7 in. Length: 62-63 cm / 24.4-24.8 in.
Underside Length:42-43 cm / 16.5-16.9 in
Size 7:
Collar: 53-54 cm / 20.9-21.3 in. Underarm: 87-88 cm / 34.3-34.6 in. Length: 69-70 cm / 27.2-27.6 in.
Underside Length: 46-47 cm / 18.1-18.5 in